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You are unsubscribed from future student marketing emails however you may still receive direct emails regarding University of Adelaide applications.

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Admissions Communications
Communications about applications and assessment. If you have an active application or are considering applying in the future, please ensure you are/remain subscribed to ensure you don't miss important communications regarding your application.
Education Agent Communications
Mailing list for Education Agents representing international students.
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Communications relating to events such as invitations and post-event support and follow-up.
Future Student Marketing Communications
Communications for future students that includes helpful information, links, and support.
Industry Recruitment Communications
Mailing lists for industry-specific newsletters and updates.
Parent Communications
Mailing list for parents of future students looking to study with the University of Adelaide. Emails include helpful information, key dates, tips and support.
School Communications
Mailing list for school teachers, councillors and principals. Emails include helpful information, key dates, tips and support.

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